The essentials
- Scabs have many causes — A dog’s crusty scabs may be caused by a skin allergy, while others may be the symptom of a more serious illness.
- Calluses are different — It’s good to know about different skin conditions so that you know what can wait, and what needs to be seen for treatment.
- Treatment varies depending on the issue — In many cases, treatment is simple, but it depends largely on what’s causing your dog’s crusty scabs.
Finding dry, crusty scabs on your dog can be alarming to you as a pet owner. Figuring out why they’re happening isn’t the easiest task, either.
The good news is a crusty scab normally isn’t a cause for concern. But, there are a few reasons your dog might be experiencing skin irritation or excessive scabbing, such as atopic dermatitis, food allergies, scratching trauma, or other skin conditions.
To help you learn more about your dog’s crusty scabs, we’ve put together a quick guide on what they are, treatment options, and prevention.
What are crusty scabs and what do they look like?
Scabs can come in many shapes and sizes; however, they usually look like bumps, blisters, or scabs with a flaky or dry appearance. If you have a short-haired dog, like a Labrador Retriever, these scabs might appear patchy and obvious. But if you have a long-haired dog, like a Shih Tzu, they may only appear when you push back the hair to reveal the skin. Similar to humans, dogs get dry skin or sores that turn into crusty scabs, becoming itchy, bothersome, or painful.
Where on a dog’s body do crusty scabs most commonly occur?
Crusty scabs can appear in most areas of a dog’s body, but the abdomen, rear legs, and tail are often the most common areas. The creases of your pup’s skin can also become irritated, leading to crusty scabs. The most common areas for this kind of scab are the belly and upper legs.
To scan for scabs, push the hair back and gently rub the skin to feel for and see any marks.
While crusty scabs can appear on any dog, pups with long floppy ears, excess skin, or extra weight may take longer to heal.
What are the different types of scabs?
Many different types of crusty scabs can affect your pet. Some of the most common include:
Yellow flaky scabs
Yellow scabs caused by seborrhea. Image provided courtesy of Senior Tail Waggers
The presence of yellow scabs could indicate skin disease, dry skin, or seborrhea , a type of scaling caused by an immune response to natural yeast particles found on your dog’s skin.
Red inflamed scabs
Redness in scabs is common in cases of direct skin trauma. Image courtesy of Reddit.
Redness in your dog’s crusty scabs can indicate bleeding and can happen with direct skin trauma or other forms of injury, like a scrape.
Black flat scabs
Black crusty scabs are commonly the result of hyperpigmentation. Image provided courtesy of Golden Retriever Forum.
Black scabs are uncommon in canines. If you see black on your dog’s skin, consider taking them to the vet to ensure it’s nothing flea-related (like “flea dirt,” which is flea poop) or a growth.
True black scabs will be flat and scab-like and can happen due to hyperpigmentation (or a hyperpigmented area of injured skin). Hyperpigmentation occurs when there’s an excess of pigment in any given place, which can result in black “lumps” or scab-like areas on your pet.
Itchy scabs
Itchiness can be universal across scab types, especially in injuries or irritation caused by parasites or allergies. Excessive itching can lead to skin injuries, so consider the use of an Elizabethan or soft-sided cone if the behavior continues.
Causes of dog scabs
There are so many reasons that dogs may get scabs. Understanding the different causes can help owners better identify symptoms or warning signs early on and seek proper treatment. Merck Veterinary Manual lays out how vets diagnose skin diseases in animals. You may be surprised by how much detail goes into such diagnoses! Let’s explore some of the top reasons dogs get scabs.
You may be surprised to learn that just like humans, dogs can be allergic to almost anything. Allergic dermatitis is often a leading cause of crusty scabs and skin problems in dogs. Some of the top allergies to look out for are:
- Pollen. Just like humans, dogs suffer from pollen allergies. It is common for a dog to have an allergic reaction to inhaling or even brushing against excessive amounts of pollen—like when they run free and occasionally dive into a bunch of flowers or bushes.
- Environment. Pollen is one of the main irritants, but many things within a dog’s environment can cause skin irritation. Anything from fertilizer to shampoo can be the culprit of crusty scabs on your dog.
- Food. Food allergies can affect your pup in a variety of ways. Skin irritation is one of them. If your dog seems to have more skin irritation, this could be a sign that something they’re eating isn’t agreeing with them.
Parasites are a common cause of scabs on dogs. They can’t always be seen and don’t always cause obvious symptoms. Here are some of the various types of parasites that lead to scabs.
- Mites/mange. Mange is caused by mites when they nestle into your dog’s hair and skin. There are two common mite species: scabies and demodex. Scabies mites (causing contagious sarcoptic mange) are rarer and can cause irritation and itching, whereas demodex mites (causing demodectic mange) are less scratchy and live within your dog’s hair follicles.
- Fleas. Fleas cause your dog to have itchy skin, leading to scratching and licking. This, in turn, creates dry, sensitive spots that scab over. Studies have found that 50% of fleas carry bacterial disease, which can lead to a bacterial infection if they get into an open wound.
- Ticks. Ticks are another possible cause of dog scabs because they nestle into your pet’s skin and feed off their blood. This can make your dog’s skin irritated and cause them to scratch with scabs as a result. If this sounds like your dog, you can remove ticks yourself. However, be sure to remove the head. Leaving any part of the tick can cause infection.
🐛 Please avoid touching ticks with your bare fingers to avoid spreading zoonotic diseases (such as Lyme disease. ) We recommend the use of bug-specific tick tools or tweezers.
Skin infections and diseases are also leading causes of crusty scabs. If you think your pet has an infection, schedule an appointment with your vet as soon as possible. Many infections can be treated easily with antibiotics; however, if they persist, they can cause bigger issues for your pet.
The three main kinds of infections to look out for are:
- Bacterial infection. This will likely present as bumps on the skin. One of the most common is bacterial folliculitis, which occurs when hair follicles become inflamed due to an infection.
- Fungal infection (ringworm). Look out for scabs, red and irritated skin, scaly skin, and hair loss. This may appear as a ring, bald patch, or red or crusty lesions. Ringworm is also zoonic, so be careful when inspecting your dog.
- Yeast infection. Excessive amounts of yeast can build up in warm or moist areas and cause itchy, dry skin and discolored patches. Watch for this with pronounced wrinkles or in the bend of your dog’s legs.
⚠️ Itching, redness, soreness, and sometimes even bleeding can all accompany crusty scabs. If your dog is suffering from an underlying condition (like an infection) that could be causing this, then you will likely notice that this can affect how they behave, their energy levels, and their appetite, too.
Other, more serious reasons your pup may have crusty scabs
It is always important to consult with your veterinarian whenever you notice something unusual. While crusty scabs are usually no cause for concern, they can occasionally signal that something more serious is going on.
- Hormonal imbalance. Anything from inherited abnormalities to developed hormone changes can impact the balance of oils in your dog’s skin. The result is irritation and dry spots, which lead to scabs.
- Nutritional issue. A dog’s skin needs proper nutrients to be balanced and healthy. If vitamins and minerals are lacking from their diet, you may find that they have dry, crusty skin.
- Seborrheic dermatitis, “Seborrhea.” Seborrhea is caused when a dog’s skin produces too much sebum and the oils become unbalanced. Sebum causes a buildup of dirt (similar to dandruff), and if dogs are not regularly washed, this will cause flaky irritated skin.
- Malassezia pachydermatis. This kind of dermatitis is caused by yeast buildup. This usually occurs near the ear canals and areas where mucus is present, like the nose and the mouth. It’s also common in areas where yeast thrives, like between the toes, folds between joints, and groin.
- Immune disorder. Immune disorders can cause a weakened immune system unable to fight off bacteria and skin infections, leading to skin irritation and scabs. Another reason that immune disorders cause crusty scabs is that a dog’s immune system is trying to fight itself because it is on high alert and working overtime.
👉 If you think your pet may have an immune disorder, the best thing to do is to take them to the vet to be tested.
How to treat scabs and other skin problems
As you noticed, there are many reasons for scabs, which means treating them isn’t as easy as putting on cream or bathing your dog. To properly treat your dog’s crusty scabs, you have to find and treat their cause.
The best way to do this is with a vet visit and any necessary testing for skin issues or underlying conditions that may be causing skin irritation. Some of the main treatments target conditions like allergies, skin imbalances, and fleas.
How to clean dog scabs
Cleaning the scabs is an important process that limits the possibility of infection—but it can still be uncomfortable for your pup. Here are some of our top tips to help reduce the stress around scab cleaning.
- Use water first. A water rinse can remove any loose dirt or debris hanging around the surface of the scab, giving you a cleaner area to work with.
- Disinfect. Choose dog-safe anti-itch or antibiotic sprays to layer on the scabbed area. This will help keep any infections at bay. We recommend speaking with your vet regarding pet-safe options for your pet’s needs.
Dr. Bruce ArmstrongPet-specific shampoos, rinses, and emollients are readily available. Some are actually "leave-on" products for in-between baths. These products work well when used with additional nutritional supplements or medicines, such as antibiotics.
How to prevent crusty scabs
To prevent scabs, you need to address the root cause of the irritation, and the best way to do that is to visit your veterinarian. You and your vet may need to use a process of elimination to see what treatments your dog responds to and use that information to decipher what may be causing their skin irritation. The good news is, you can try to prevent crusty scabs with some at-home itch remedies, too.
- Healthy diet. Often, diet deficiencies can create problems for a dog’s skin and coat, causing dry, scratchy skin. Ensuring that your pup has a high-quality, balanced diet by feeding them dog food with the right amount of vitamins and minerals can be the first step in keeping their coat shiny and protecting your pet from crusty scabs. Just make sure not to oversupplement vitamins and minerals, as this can lead to deficiencies in other key nutrients.
- Frequent brushing. Brushing will help to cleanse your dog’s coat and remove dead skin and flaky patches which can cause irritation. It can also help to distribute your dog’s naturally occurring moisturizing oils into the coat and skin. Crusty scabs that are caused as a result of a buildup of dirt can be treated easily with regular brushing. Make sure you have a durable grooming kit on hand with various brushes and gloves.
- Regular bathing. Similarly, if your dog is suffering from scabs due to allergies, bacteria, or buildup of sebum (otherwise known as the greasy stuff produced by your pup’s skin glands), then regular bathing can be great for their coat. Be sure not to use any harsh chemicals on their skin as this can irritate them. It is also important to not bathe your dog too much so you don’t dry out their skin’s natural oils. Most groomers recommend a maximum of once per week. Our vets recommend a hypoallergenic shampoo for best results.
- Antifungal shampoos. Antifungal shampoos for dogs are great for relieving your pet from fungal infections which can cause them to lick and scratch their skin.
- Benadryl. Benadryl (diphenhydramine) is a great way to reduce allergy symptoms like itchiness, runny nose, and rashes. The great news is that dogs can have Benadryl. The typical dose is one to two milligrams per pound of body weight. Only give regular Benadryl, and NOT Benadryl-D. The ‘D’ means it contains a decongestant, which is toxic to dogs.
- Flea prevention. If you want to protect your dog against fleas and mites, invest in a flea collar, oral flea remedies, or topical flea preventatives. Here’s a list of our favorite flea medications in every category.
👉 Explore our favorite doggie supplements and vitamins to enhance your dog’s overall wellness.
Frequently asked questions
Can I put Neosporin on my dog’s scabs?
Neosporin is formulated for humans, not for dogs. While it may not cause dangerous side effects when administered in small amounts, it’s best to avoid using the product on dogs in general. Some variants of Neosporin contain pain relievers that could be toxic to pets. Instead, use a balm or wax specifically made for dogs. You should also see a vet to treat the underlying cause of your dog’s skin irritation.
Can I put Vaseline on my dog’s scabs?
Vaseline is safe to put on your dog’s scabs, but it may not help much. It might feel soothing, but Vaseline could actually over-dry your dog’s scab. Instead, use a balm or salve specifically formulated for dogs.
Do ticks leave scabs on dogs?
Ticks can nest into dogs’ skin and feed off their blood, leaving their skin irritated and causing scabs. However, you can remove ticks from your dog — just make sure to take the head out to prevent infections.
How long does it take for a dog scab to heal?
This depends on the severity of the scab and what’s causing it. In many cases, your dog’s scabs will heal anywhere from a few days to two weeks. However, infected scabs can take longer, and scabs can reoccur. Healing scabs may mean treating the underlying cause, such as allergies, hormonal imbalances, and fleas.