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Kitten with its mom

The essentials

  • A cat is pregnant for about 63 to 65 days – Weight gain and increased sleeping are signs your cat may be expecting.
  • You can usually expect three to five kittens — A cat can have more or fewer, depending upon her age, health, and previous pregnancies.
  • Be aware of possible problems — While most cat pregnancies run smoothly, occasional complications can occur.

If you’ve recently discovered that your feline friend is expecting kittens, you’re likely wondering about the timeline of her pregnancy. Understanding the duration of cat gestation is crucial for providing proper care and preparing for the arrival of the new litter. This article will guide you through the typical length of a cat’s pregnancy and what to expect during this exciting time.

Signs and symptoms of cat pregnancy

  • Increased appetite. While not the most reliable sign of pregnancy in a cat, increased appetite in an otherwise healthy, unspayed cat may indicate that she’s eating for more than just herself. Most cats gain two to four pounds during pregnancy.
  • Increased sleep. Pregnant cats need to rest more often than their counterparts who aren’t expecting, so you may find her napping more frequently.
  • Increased affection. All cats display varying levels of affection and you know where your cat falls. If she starts seeking out more attention than usual and is looking for extra reassurance, she could be pregnant.
  • Upset stomach. Unexplained vomiting. Just like human mothers-to-be, pregnant cats can experience a form of morning sickness.

When you see these signs, make an appointment with your veterinarian.

How can I confirm that my cat is pregnant?

Just because she has a big belly doesn’t mean your cat is pregnant, however. Other conditions can cause a distended stomach, such as worms, heart failure, and obesity. However, if you pay attention to your cat, she’ll let you know in other ways that she’s pregnant. Some common signs are larger and darker nipples, increased appetite, and weight gain. Some cats will lose fur around their nipples at this stage.

The best way to confirm a pregnancy is to take your cat to a vet to confirm she’s pregnant and see how far along she is. One of the first things they’ll ask is if she has been exposed to an intact male cat within the last six weeks to help determine a due date. Pregnancy is not typically covered by pet insurance, but it might cover any emergencies that crop up along the way.

Your vet will gently press on your cat’s abdomen to feel the babies, which can happen as early as the 20th day of pregnancy. The vet clinic may also use ultrasound, which will show kittens in the womb as early as 21 days, though it may be difficult to see how many babies there are.  X-rays can also show the babies about 40 days into the pregnancy and is the best way to see the number of kittens.

How long will a cat’s pregnancy last?

Cats are pregnant for a little over two months, more specifically around 63-65 days. If it’s your cat’s first litter, the gestation period could last a few days longer.

Stages of a cat’s pregnancy

For an unspayed cat, heat (also called estrus) generally lasts six to seven days. Once a cat goes into heat, she can become pregnant very quickly. It’s hard to tell exactly when a cat becomes pregnant unless you happen to catch her in the act. The sooner you can determine that she’s pregnant, the more attention and care you can provide to help her along the way.


Pregnancy begins after mating. The fertilized eggs move to the uterus in about two weeks. The placenta forms and the embryos grow. Organs start to develop. Signs of early pregnancy include weight gain, morning sickness, pink and enlarged nipples, a swollen belly, and more affection.

The organs begin to develop in the embryo. Placenta formation supports the exchange of waste and nutrients between the embryo and the mother cat. Her hormones are soaring during this time.

It takes a couple of weeks for the cat to show signs of pregnancy. If you suspect your cat is pregnant, take them to the vet to be sure.

Early stage

By week five, the kittens’ organs are almost fully formed. By week six, you’ll notice more weight gain, less morning sickness, larger breasts, and a rapidly growing belly. The cat may display a behavior called “quickening,” which is marked by sudden bursts of excitement.


About a week before birth, you may see milk drops on nipples, less appetite, kittens moving in the belly, and lower body temperature. The cat will look for a safe place to have her kittens.

Giving birth

The cat will “nest” in a safe spot before labor. She may stop eating and her temperature may drop. During labor, she’ll pant, scratch, and pace. Contractions lead to pushing, and kittens are born.

During labor, the cat may pant and pace, groom more, and show blood from her vagina. Kittens should come every 15 to 20 minutes. The mother will help them breathe and eat the placenta. Call a vet if there’s more than three hours between kittens.

Premature delivery

Much like human babies, kittens can arrive prematurely. Early labor is usually caused by infections, ovarian cysts, hormonal imbalances, injury, malnutrition, and even stressors such as changing environments or loud fighting in the household. If your cat is pregnant for less than 60 days, her kittens will have a decreased chance of survival.

Potential cat pregnancy complications

While cats instinctively know what to do when it’s time to give birth, complications can still arise, and the problems are similar to ones that expecting women occasionally experience. They include:

  • Pre-eclampsia. This occurs when the mama cat can’t keep up with the fetus’s calcium demands and blood levels fall. Signs include extreme restlessness, disorientation, and stiffness in her legs.
  • Gestational diabetes. This can occur when the cat’s body either doesn’t produce enough insulin or doesn’t use what it’s producing properly. Watch for signs of excessive thirst and urination.
  • Mastitis. Usually occurring in the first two weeks after delivery, this painful condition is caused by inflammation or infection of the mammary glands.
  • Retained placenta. This happens when the placenta that covers the fetus in utero isn’t expelled as afterbirth when the kitten is born.

With more furry friends joining your household, it may be helpful to have pet insurance established to cover some of the costs. Find out what is (and isn’t) covered in our pet insurance coverage guide.

How to care for a pregnant cat

Pregnant cats don’t need much help as their instincts kick in. They do have a few special requirements when it comes to general health care, though:

Preparing for labor and delivery

As your cat’s due date approaches, set up a quiet, private nesting area for her. A cardboard box with soft towels in a warm, draft-free spot works well. This gives you a chance to watch over the mom and kittens while still letting them have their space.

If you don’t provide a good spot, your cat might choose a less convenient place to give birth. Remember, newborn kittens can’t handle cold temperatures, so keeping them warm is important. By creating a cozy birthing area, you’re helping your cat feel safe and ready for her new family.

Postpartum care

Make sure the kittens’ noses and mouths are clear and remove soiled linen in the nesting box. The kittens should stay dry and warm. The ideal temperature range where they are staying with mom should be between 85–90 F for the first week.

Healthy kittens locate mom’s nipples quickly and without any assistance. However, you should monitor your cat to make sure she is allowing normal nursing behaviors. If you are concerned that your cat is rejecting her kittens, she should be evaluated by your vet.

Litter size: what to expect

Kitten litters are smaller than those of dogs—most feline litters include three to five kittens.

That’s the typical litter size, but cats can have more. I’ve seen a cat have a litter of eight kittens.

Dr. Jennifer Schott, DVM

It’s ideal to know how many kittens to expect so that you can start finding homes for them. Taking your kitty to the vet for an X-ray will help determine how many kittens she’s expecting so you know how many to watch for when she’s in labor. Abdominal X-rays can be taken after day 40 of gestation. Several factors determine how many kittens your cat may birth, such as their age, health, genetic makeup, and the number of pregnancies she’s had in the past.

Your pregnant cat’s age and health

Both older and younger female cats tend to have smaller litters — two to three kittens — as do first-time moms. A cat that is three to four years old is likelier to have four to five kittens per litter. Additionally, if a cat breeds less frequently, she tends to have smaller litters and as she becomes older, her average litter size will naturally decrease.

Male vs. female offspring

Interestingly, at least one study of pedigree cats revealed that male kittens are slightly more plentiful than females within a litter. Also, litters conceived during the wet season (September to February) produced more males than expected. Litters conceived during the dry season produced more females than expected.

Preventing cat pregnancies

To prevent unwanted pregnancies and overpopulation, it’s extremely important to spay and neuter your pets. And there’s no truth to the myth that cats need to have a litter before spaying. Fixing your cat can increase their overall health—one study showed that spayed female cats lived 39% longer and neutered male cats lived 62% longer. While it may be costly to spay or neuter your pet, most pet insurance companies offer additional wellness plans that cover some or all of the procedure costs.

Frequently asked questions 

Are cats pregnant for three months?

No, cats are pregnant for only a little more than two months – typically 63 to 65 days.

How can I tell how far along my cat is?

Your cat’s weight, eating habits, and new behaviors, such as increased sleeping and nesting, should indicate various stages of pregnancy. However, knowing when your cat mated would be the best way to know when she approximately will give birth.

How do you know when a cat is about to give birth?

She may pant, pace near the nesting area, and begin straining when contractions become more frequent and stronger.

How can I help my pregnant cat get comfortable during labor?

Before the birth, you can help your cat make a comfy nesting area with simple household items — a cardboard box lined with newspapers, old sheets, or a towel. It’s important that the bed is warm and private, but also observable in case problems arise.

How can I tell if my cat is pregnant?

Pay attention to weight gain and a rounded abdomen. If you gently feel your cat’s belly, you might detect the kittens moving in the later stages of pregnancy.